Foreign Owned Company EIN Registration: Foreign Owned LLCs & Corporations

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A foreign-owned company can often face challenges in obtaining an employer identification number (EIN).  If you are forming an LLC in Texas or incorporating a business in Texas, you must obtain an EIN to make a special IRS tax elections to be treated as an S-corp, C-corp, partnership, sole proprietor, or other category.  New business formations and business entities wholly owned within the U.S. may quickly obtain an EIN online, but a foreign owned business – including a foreign owned LLC – may not obtain an EIN online.  A Texas international business lawyer can help you form an LLC in Texas or incorporate a business in Texas, advise tax elections, and take care of all state and federal registrations for you.

EIN for a Foreign Owned LLC or Foreign Owned Corporation

Even though a foreign owned LLC or foreign owned corporation cannot file for an employer identification number (EIN) online, there is a very fast shortcut that can be used if you need to get an EIN in a hurry.  Simply complete IRS Form SS-4 then call this number – (267) 941-1099 – a hotline dedicated to foreign owned company EIN registration.  They will provide a specific fax number, put you on hold, and wait for you to submit the form.  Then they provide your EIN over the phone, taking a total of about 5 minutes.  If you do not call and simply fax the form to their general fax number, it may take 5 days.

Obtaining an EIN is Urgent for Business Tax Elections

If you are forming an LLC in Texas or incorporating a business in Texas, an EIN is necessary to set up a bank account and to make a tax status election – which has certain time limitations.  The IRS foreign owned company EIN registration office is open from 6 am – 11 pm eastern time.  I recommend calling early in the morning to get straight through the phone tree with little or no holding.

Our Austin international law firm regularly advises clients in matters of international law and international business, including forming an LLC in Texas or incorporating a business in Texas.  Our firm advises foreign businesses and U.S. companies doing business abroad.  Call a Texas international business lawyer today to discuss Foreign owned company formation and registration.

Contact a Texas International Business Lawyer, Free Call!


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